With a faithful reproduction of each control, this is an incredibly accurate model that captures every nuance of one of the best Fairchild units available, one considered a true 'golden reference'. This module is based on the 'Holy Grail' of compressor/limiters, the Fairchild™ 670. The controls are simple: input, attack time, release time, output.

In 1995, Empirical Labs set out to design a “Swiss Army Compressor” that could emulate the 1176, LA-2A, Fairchild 670 and DBX 160A. Fairchild 670 and Pultec plugin test using UAD, T-Racks and URS. The Fairchild 670 compressor's attack and release times are controlled by the switch labeled 'time-constant' and those settings are as follows. The Fairchild 670 compressor is a well-known vintage stereo limiter that was released way back in the 1950s by Fairchild Recording Equipment Corporation. The FC70 uses state of the art processing to emulate a fully balanced transformer-coupled signal path, combined with an innovative delay-free. The Fairchild Tube Limiter Plug-In Collection for UAD-2 and Apollo delivers the legendary 660 and 670 Fairchild tube limiters to your DAW with dead-on emulations right down to the original hardware’s tube-driven gain control, compression curves, and tube amp and transformer sections. Inspired by the legendary smooth, effortless dynamic control and uniquely musical character of the classic Fairchild 670 limiter, the FC70 tames dynamics without robbing the mix of power and detail.