Artcut graphic disc
Artcut graphic disc

artcut graphic disc

put artcut and all my files on a separate computer and swap the cutter between computers. all of my race car graphics are in artcut. 3 hours and 2 packs of cigarettes later, i was finished. i promised my biggest customer that i would have his graphics done in 3 hours and my program wasnt working! all of my race car templates are in artcut! all of his graphics, the scaled model of his car, EVERYTHING! so just to get the job done, i had to recreate about 300 feet worth of graphics in cibercut, and cut them, and mask them, in 3 hours.

artcut graphic disc artcut graphic disc

SAME THING! so at this time, i was sweating bullets. i then decided to uninstall artcut and reinstall it to see what happened. i tried this a few times with no results. i had about 3 hours to cut all the graphics for a race car and when i went to open artcut and get started, it said 'please insert install cd-r', so i did. the first being cibercut and the second being artcut 2002. I have 2 vinyl cutting programs that i mainly use.

Artcut graphic disc